- Lower Hatchie NWR
- Chickasaw NWR
- Reelfoot Lake NWR and WMA
- Lake Isom NWR
- Eagle Lake Refuge
- John Tully WMA
- Moss Island WMA
- White Lake Refuge
- Bogota WMA
- Black Bayou Refuge
- Cold Creek Refuge
- Ernest Rice WMA
- Tumbleweed WMA
- President’s Island WMA
Millions of birds, over 40% of all bird species in the U. S., migrate along the Mississippi River flyway each year during the fall and spring and depend upon it for feeding and resting. The migration corridor is also indispensable to the life-cycle of many birds, see. The great raptors, including the bald eagle, with a wing-span that is up to eight feet long, are among the many species of birds that can be seen along the river in Tennessee.
Major species are the following:
Land Birds
- Bald eagle
- Mississippi kite
- Cerulean warbler
- Swainson’s warbler
- Red-shouldered hawk
- Acadian flycatcher
- Painted bunting
- Short-eared owl
- Northern harrier
- Orchard oriole
- Red-eyed vireo
- Prothonotary warbler
- Redheaded woodpecker
- Red-winged blackbird
- Dickcissel
- Yellow-billed cuckoo
Water Fowl
- Canada goose
- Snow goose
- Wood duck
- Mallard
- Northern pintail
- American black duck
- Greater scaup
- Lesser scaup
- Redhead
- Canvasback
- Ring-necked duck
- American wigeon
- Blue-winged teal
Shore Birds
- Least tern (endangered species)
- Least sandpiper
- American golden plover
- Greater yellowlegs
- Pectoral sandpiper
- Semi-palmated plover
- Black-necked stilt
Fresh-water Fish
The Mississippi holds more ancient species of fish than any other body of water in the United States. Extinct relatives of the lamprey date back 500 million years and were the first vertebrates to appear in fossil records, while extinct relatives of the sturgeon date back 350 million years.
Species include the following:
- Paddlefish
- Gar (alligator, spotted, longnose and shortnose)
- Sturgeon (shovelnose and pallid, an endangered species)
- Bowfin
- Lamprey
- American eel
The Mississippi has the most productive freshwater fish habitat in the United States, with at least 195 identified species of fish. Among the many non-ancient species are the following:
- Bass (largemouth, spotted)
- White bass
- Striped bass
- Buffalo
- Catfish (channel, blue, flathead)
- Sauger
- Brim
- Bluegill
- Crappie (black, white
- Drum
- Mullet
- Carp (non-indigenous fish)